Public Notices



9755 Easton Road, Samuel & Lea Cravero: March 6, 2025

Notice is hereby given that the Nockamixon Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a meeting for a hearing on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 7:00 p.m., in the Nockamixon Township Building, 589 Lake Warren Drive, Upper Black Eddy, PA 18972, regarding the application of Samuel and Lea Cravero (the “Applicant”). The subject property is 9755 Easton Road in Nockamixon Township, PA (Bucks County Tax Map Parcel No. 30-008-049.  The Applicant requests: 1) A variance from Section 103-25.B of the Floodplain Management Ordinance to allow a substantial improvement of an existing building in the floodplain; 2) An interpretation allowing expansion of an existing building along an existing nonconformity; and 3) An alternative variance from Section 234-43.B requiring a fifty-foot front-yard setback. Applicant also requests an alternative variance generally from Chapter 234, Article VIII (Floodplain Regulations), 234-54.A (uses permitted in the floodplain), and 234-43.A(1) relating to E-4 Eating Place as a use permitted in the VC Village Center District. The Zoning Hearing Board will, additionally, reorganize and review minutes of its last meeting. All members of the public are invited to attend the meeting and hearing.

82 Fink Drive, Simmons Holdings LLC: March 6, 2025

Notice is hereby given that the Nockamixon Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a meeting for a hearing on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 7:00 p.m., in the Nockamixon Township Building, 589 Lake Warren Drive, Upper Black Eddy, PA 18972, regarding the application of Simmons Holdings LLC (the “Applicant”). The subject property is 82 Fink Drive in Nockamixon Township, PA (Bucks County Tax Map Parcel Nos. 30-014-007 and 30-014-007-001).  The Applicant requests an appeal from a Notice of Violation which alleged the operation of a G4 Contractor Use and two B8 Residential Conversions. In the alternative to the Notice of Violation appeal, the Applicant requests a variance to permit two B8 Residential Conversion apartments on the subject property. The Zoning Hearing Board will, additionally, reorganize and review minutes of its last meeting. All members of the public are invited to attend the meeting and hearing.


William D. Oetinger, Solicitor GRIM, BIEHN & THATCHER

104 South Sixth Streets, P.O. Box 215, Perkasie, PA  18944




What is a Comprehensive Plan?

Comprehensive plans serve as a blueprint for the future development and preservation of a community. A thoughtful, comprehensive planning process will consider information, data, and trends that are current and relevant to the municipality, along with community input, in order to create a vision and goals for the municipality. As a long-range document, it serves as a guide for land use decision making to be used by residents, the Nockamixon Township Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, private and public stakeholders, and governmental agencies.

The plan forms the basis for decision making and priority setting for local codes and ordinances. Guidance will be provided in critical areas of community development, preservation, and quality of life. The community’s conservation priorities are considered along with other issues, such as water supply, housing, transportation, and recreation, to ensure and support residents' health, safety, and welfare.

Why is Nockamixon Updating its Plan?

The township's first comprehensive plan was adopted in 1967 and updated in 1988, with the most recent update in 2005. The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code recommends that municipal comprehensive plans be updated to reflect current needs and visions for the community. 

The Bucks County Planning Commission will be working with the Nockamixon Township Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors in reviewing and updating the 2005 plan. Below is the link to the Bucks County Planning Commission plan process for the Nockamixon Comprehensive Plan update including a timeline. Also below is a link for the current Nockamixon Township Comprehensive from 2005.

Nockamixon Resident Survey Results

An online Comprehensive Plan Update survey was launched on October 15, 2024 with a response due date of November 30, 2024. The survey link was distributed/advertised to Nockamixon residents via the Nockamxion website, Fall Newsletter mailing, flyers, and hard copies made available at the township office.

At the December 3, 2024 Planning Commission meeting, Bucks County Project Planners, Deanna Miller and Brynn-Erin Kerr, reviewed the results from the Comprehensive Plan Update Resident Survey as follows:

  • Nockamixon Township’s best assets: Rural landscape and scenic beauty, agriculture and open space, and quality of life.
  • Quality of life rating: Very Good 43% and Good 30%.
  • Enjoy living in Nockamixon: 4.5-star rating out of 5.
  • Residents planning to retire here: 38% said yes, and 20% said they had already retired in Nockamixon.
  • Priorities for future planning: Retention of rural character, conservation and protection of natural resources, agriculture and open space, groundwater protection, and keeping taxes low topped the list.
  • Priority issues for the future: Keeping the rural character, mitigating sprawl, and enforcement of ordinances were some of the issues cited.
  • Safety: Safety was rated 4.0 out of 5.0, with 50.85% feeling safe and 28.81% feeling very safe.
  • Climate Change actions: 60% thought Nockamixon should take actions toward mitigating climate change by encouraging small-scale alternative residential energy systems, such as solar, geothermal, and wind.
  • Sustainability measures: Continuing to preserve land, providing electronic recycling options, and encouraging water conservation.
  • Potential land uses for municipally owned properties: utilizing them as natural areas that protect environmental resources/wildlife, establishing hiking trails in natural areas, and farmland.
  • Park usage: Most people said they had visited Nockamixon State Park (93%), the Delaware Canal State Park (81%), and Revere Veterans Park (58%) in the last year to hike, bike, and walk. Over 50% said the parks could be better maintained.
  • Recreational opportunities: Suggestions included meadows, public gardens, hiking/biking trails, river access, and a community center.

Respondent demographics were as follows:

  • Most of the respondents were aged 55 to 74.
  • 33% were retired, 17% worked in the township and 16% worked elsewhere in Bucks County.
  • Nockamixon was the primary residence for 98%.
  • 90% owned their home.
  • 50% had lived in Nockamixon for longer than 20 years.
  • 30% said they associated themselves with the historic village of Kintnersville, 21% with Revere, and 17% with Ferndale. 24% said they did not associate with a village.

Next Steps:

The Bucks County Planners met with the Nockamixon Planning Commission and the appropriate committees to review updates to the open space and parks and recreation section of the Comprehensive Plan in January and February 2025. Upcoming meeting topics are tentatively scheduled as noted below. The Nockamixon Planning Commission meets at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday night of the month. The public is welcome to attend.

Comp Plan Meeting Topics:

  • March 4, 2025: Community Facilities
  • April 1, 2025: Transportation & Trails
  • May 6, 2025: Historic Resources
  • June 3, 2025: Natural Resources
  • July 1, 2025: Future Land Use

Nockamixon Township Comprehensive Plan 2005