Bridgeton-Nockamixon-Tinicum Groundwater Management Committee
Meeting Dates: The Groundwater Management Committee meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM via Zoom. Zoom link information is provided on the Nockamixon website home page prior to the meeting. The public is welcome.
Formation: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Nockamixon on 9-12-2000 by Ord. No.100 as a joint venture with Bridgeton and Tinicum townships. Each of the member municipalities may appoint up to a maximum of three representatives to the Groundwater Management Committee, one of whom shall be designated the "voting member" and each of whom shall be a resident of the member municipality that made the appointment.
Purpose: The Groundwater Management Committee is an advisory committee for Bridgeton, Nockamixon, and Tinicum townships. The committee’s mission is to support the townships in a continued effort to provide their residents with a reliable, safe, and adequate water supply. The committee's activities include proposing and conducting scientific studies, regulatory reviews, and educational programs to support intended uses within the capacity of available groundwater resources. The Committee advises the Board of Supervisors on decisions affecting the quantity and quality of the Township’s groundwater.
Members (Officers are elected for a 1-year term.):
- Tom Eckhoff, Chairman 2025 (Nockamixon representative)
- Dr. Stephen Donovan, Vice-Chair (Nockamixon representative)
- Dr. Riley Murphy, Secretary (Tinicum representative)
- Karl Young, Treasurer (Bridgeton representative)
- Todd Stone (Nockamixon representative)
- Dr. Carrie Manfrino (Tinicum representative)
- Bill Ballantine (Tinicum representative)
Technical Resources:
- Mary Lennon, Field Technician
- Dr. Arthur Baehr, Consulting Hydrologist
Supervisor Liaisons: John Haubert
Link to the BNTGMC website
Additional Information:
The state recommends private well owners routinely conduct basic tests that include:
- total coliform bacteria
- coli
- pH
- total dissolved solids
A more comprehensive schedule includes the basic tests plus hardness, alkalinity, corrosivity, arsenic, barium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, sodium, chloride, sulfate, and nitrate-nitrogen
Additionally, the EPA recommends homes be remedied if the radon level in indoor air exceeds 4 pCi/L (
To learn more about water tests and managing your well, check out the links below:
- Link to Resources for Water, Well, Spring and Cistern Owners
- Link to Interpreting Your Water Test Report
- Link to Managing Your Water Well During a Drought
Local Groundwater Stewardship Presentation: April 2024
In April 2024, the Groundwater Management Committee and presented a two-part seminar on water quality testing and groundwater withdrawal ordinance and monitoring activities. Presenters included Dr. Art Baehr, retired USGS hydrologist, and Groundwater Management Committee members. Video recordings of the seminars are available below:
- Part One: Local Groundwater Quality Testing
- Part Two: Local Groundwater Monitoring and Groundwater Withdrawal Ordinance