Planning Commission



Formation: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Nockamixon 8-24-1977 by Ord. No. 26. 7 volunteer members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to 4-year terms. Members must be residents of Nockamixon Township.

Meeting Dates: The Planning Commission meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Township Building. The deadline for submitting items into the Planning Commission Meeting Agenda is 3:00 pm on the Tuesday prior to a meeting, but the sooner, the better. The public is welcome.

Purpose: The Planning Commission reviews applications for all Subdivision, Land Development and/or Lot Line proposals and plans, Act 537 projects and Conditional Use applications submitted for consideration and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. The Planning Commission will also receive recommendations and reports from other township committees and consultants including the Township Engineer, Township Solicitors, Public Works, Environmental Advisory Council, Historical Commission, Parks, and Recreation Committee, as well as Federal, State, and County agencies as applicable.

Additional responsibilities include review of and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors regarding new ordinance or ordinance amendments proposals, changes to the Township map, comprehensive plans, and other duties and functions as authorized under the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code.


  • Chris Hall, Chair
  • Maureen Purcell, Vice Chairman
  • Tom Keebler
  • David Haubert
  • Jeff Peterson

Supervisor Liaison: Dave DiPalantino